This is my (FIRST) weekly curated list of retirement news articles dealing with a variety of issues of interest to retirees. I am not the author of these articles, but have searched earnestly for quality articles that will prove of value and interest to my followers. I hope you enjoy these articles and encourage you to comment on not only the content, but with thoughts on what subjects you would like to see in this weekly compilation.
Thank you
Senior Housing and 55+ Communities
My focus within these articles will be to highlight news on the various housing options available to retirees. The content will be varied and focused upon providing information and education on a variety of senior housing topics:
Active Adult Communities: What They Are and How to Find the Right One | U.S. News (
55-Plus Communities: What You Need To Know – Forbes Health
Travel is what so many of us dreamed of doing in retirement, right? These stories will be timely (based upon the season) and fun. My focus will not be on any specific area of the world and will include not only destinations, but various types of travel and transportation modes (Hint: I am a train buff):
50 Most Underrated And Affordable Summer Vacation Destinations In North America (
10 Most Underrated Mountain Towns To Visit In America (
Health, Welfare and Lifestyle
The Alzheimer’s Association states “growing evidence indicates that people can reduce their risk of cognitive decline by adopting key lifestyle habits. When possible, combine these habits to achieve maximum benefit for the brain and body.”
In this vein, Health and Welfare articles will include information on areas of interest or concern to retirees and will have a varied range of topics. Stories will include a focus upon the three components discussed in “The Secret to a Healthy Retirement“, but will go well beyond this limited scope.
Taurine, a nutrient found in energy drinks, may promote healthy aging (
7 Ways Reading Benefits Your Brain – The Best Brain Possible
Food & Diet
As we all know, not only are exercise and lifestyle important to our health, but our diet is also critical to maintaining good health as well. As you will learn with some of these articles (perhaps not today, but over time in this weekly newsletter), diet can not only maintain health, but can sometimes affect and/or treat some minor health maladies (e.g., constipation). Lastly, more specifically, cooking and food can be fun, educational and a catalyst for social gatherings and family memories:
Recreation & Hobbies
As I described in “A Life In Balance“, the 3 components of mental, physical and spiritual health are inexplicably intertwined. For optimal health, all three components must be nurtured and fed and kept in balance. Both recreation and hobbies can do a wonderful job of feeding your mind, body and soul. Again, the articles will vary in subject and length, but I hope will be helpful in helping you to achieve that happy, healthy retirement:
Financial planning and budget management are key components to maintaining a comfortable, enjoyable retirement. The articles I share here are for information and educational purposes only and not intended to be a recommendation of how to undertake your financial affairs. My intent will be to select articles that provide valuable and thoughtful information to help you perform your own research and due diligence regarding your finances:
Ten Money Management Tips for Retirement
3 Top-Ranked Dividend Stocks: A Smarter Way to Boost Your Retirement Income (
Date Published: 06/12/2023
I think this is a great idea! Maybe you should start something like LinkedIn for retired people
I haven’t seen you sign up yet? I hope you are catching the articles…posted 2 more today.