Welcome to my Retirement News Articles for the week of August 12th. I apologize it has been a month…between a crashed computer and family health issues, I was unable to keep up. I would like to note that I have added a new section to the end of the newsletter, just highlighting some of the (free) resources available on my website.
My favorite articles for the week are:
- Bonus Story: Watch Jesse Owens Win Four Golds at the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany
- Lifestyle, Health and Welfare for Seniors: What Does Your Walk Say About You?
- Recreation, Exercise and Hobbies: 3 Exercises That Will Help You Maintain Your Strength as You Age
Though I am not the author of these Retirement News Articles, I have searched earnestly for quality content that will prove of value and interest to my subscribers. I hope you enjoy these articles and encourage you to comment on not only the content, but with thoughts on what subjects you would like to see in this weekly compilation.
Thank you
Retirement News Articles – Bonus Story
Growing up in the 60’s, I was a voracious reader and sports fan. Probably the athletes I read about most were Jim Thorpe, Jesse Owens, and Babe Ruth. Sadly, I would wager that the current generation knows little about the first two. I encourage you to both read and share this bonus story with your younger family members, as it was not only inspiring at the time, but a somewhat tragic piece of both American and world history.
Watch Jesse Owens Win Four Golds at the 1936 Olympics in Nazi Germany

Travel for Seniors
Whether you’re seeking to research your family heritage, move overseas, or simply want a second passport, over 50 countries offer some form of citizenship by descent. However, prepare yourself: The process of obtaining dual citizenship is more often than not, frustrating, time consuming and full of red tape. Article one lists the countries that offer the highest likelihood of success.
Article two, from the Travel, is quick to point out that picturesque mountains can be found east of the Mississippi. Enjoy reading about 7 such towns, which might just make your next great get away.
7 Countries Where You Can Get a Passport Through Ancestry
7 Underrated Mountain Towns In The Southeast
Lifestyle, Health & Welfare for Seniors
I have read before that people over 65 who tend to walk fast will tend to live longer. Article one tells us 14 additional medical facts or tendencies that can be determined by how you walk.
As article two, from Kiplinger, explains, evidently there is more than sunshine and beaches to why so many people choose to retire to Florida. The issue is so complex that Kiplinger recommends you spend considerable time there before making a final move.
What Does Your Walk Say About You?
Why Do People Retire in Florida? 9 Things You Must Know
Food, Nutrition & Cooking
Article one, from The Takeout, is quick to share that this simple question does not have such a simple answer. Logically, the reason for this is that the alcohol content of wines and especially beers, varies greatly. If you are still intrigued by the question, read ahead for more detail.
Article two is from Lovefood and is a quick slide show through some the most iconic or popular restaurants in the country. I hope you enjoy the slide show as much as you do your next foodie trip.
How Many Beers Would You Have To Drink To Equal A Bottle Of Wine?
Your State’s Most Historic Restaurant, And the Fascinating Story Behind It

Recreation, Exercise & Hobbies
It is common knowledge that an active lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle. This is true at any age, even as you age into your 70’s and 80’s. As you age past 65, exercise can help you avoid many diseases whose risk increases for older adults, such as diabetes and cardio vascular disease. Article one is helpful in showing what exercises make sense for older adults.
Article two discusses ticks, tiny arachnids that pose significant health risks. The ramifications of their bites span from mild symptoms like fever and fatigue to severe neurological complications and chronic conditions. Left untreated, tick bites can lead to life-altering diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Tick keys are purpose-built tools designed for safe and efficient tick removal and a good idea if you plan to be in the woods.
3 Exercises That Will Help You Maintain Your Strength as You Age
Why You Should Always Carry A Tick Key When Camping
Arts, Entertainment, and Reading
Article one, from Housely, gives us a list of 13 must see museums in the US. Not surprisingly, many of the museums are in New York, Boston, Chicago, and the west coast.
Article two gives us similar list, but with an international flavor. A very few are in the US, with the list going far and wide for the adventurous and well-traveled art lover.
13 Must Visit Art Museums Across America
30 Galleries Around The World ALL Art-Lovers Should Visit

Financial Management for Seniors
I would never be one to give financial advice, but do admit to reading quite a bit on the stock market on a daily basis. One thing I have learned is that daily, weekly and monthly opinion vary widely between bulls and bears. Despite my reluctance to give advice, I thought article one, from Motley Fool, to be of interest, if for any reason, it seems to go against the grain…
Article two is an informative “warning” for those of us (myself included) who set up our on-line social security accounts prior to September 18, 2018. At the moment, the mySocialSecurity username and password still work, but that won’t be the case for long. In a guide published July 30, 2024, the SSA announced that the option to sign in with your existing credentials will soon be going away. You’ll no longer have any access to your account if you don’t implement a new login method.
The Nasdaq Sell-Off: History Suggests It’ll Get Worse in the Coming Months
A Key Change is Coming to Online Social Security Accounts
Helpful (and Free) Retirement Resources from Optimal Retirement Living
- Retirement Resources for Seniors
- Social Security and Medicare for Seniors
- Medicare Advantage Plan Information
- Best Sources of Health Information for Seniors
- Financial Planning Resources for Seniors
Additional Resources at Optimal Retirement Living
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